Main features:
- battery level (loadbar and/or label)
- battery lifetime
- temperature (loadbar and/or label) (Celcius or Farenheit)
- state of the adapter (label or graphic) (graphic need Imlib)
- pop-up window when battery level is low
- menu (right click): close, refresh, print core ACPI infos, move the window and
switch degrees used for temperature display.
And now a bit more in detail of some options:
- bbacpi supports now two batteries.
- There is a possibility to order gauges and labels.
Although gauges stay together in front, and labels together at the end.
The order can be change between items of the same family. - The colors of the gauge can be reversed easely.
It can now go from red to green in place of the opposit.
This can be nice for battery level for example, where low level is bad and high level is good. - A special effect is available for battery loadbar when charging.
It starts from zero, increase from level until it reaches the actual level of the battery and reset. - The battery lifetime can change from color when level becomes critical.
- bbacpi copy the theme of blackbox for some parts.
All these features are configurable in the bbacpi.[bb,nobb] file.
The program is like all other bbtools deeply configurable.
A config file contains every parameter that can be tweaked by the user.
For example, the color of the background, of the lines in the loadbar, of the text, can be changed very easely.