bbacpi is simple tool for X that shows some information on the battery of laptops using acpi. Next version will have apm support (already developed, available soon).

bbacpi is NOT maintained anymore ! (last update in 2005)
And so is Blackbox I guess, thus no need to continue here ...

Main features are (all optional):

You can download it from the download page.


These screenshots show a simple version, with only a loadbar indicating battery level, a label showing the lifetime of the battery and the graphical adapter indicator.

bbacpi default style Same bbacpi with default style (-n option).

bbacpi with all options Here you can see all info available with bbacpi, in order of appearance: battery level (loadbar) temperature (loadbar), battery (label), temperature (label), battery lifetime (idle stands for no use of the battery) and state of the adapter (plugged or unplugged)
bbacpi menu
bbacpi's menu (right click)
  • Farenheit: to change the type of degrees to Farenheit
  • Move (n): to activate the possibility to move the window with left click
  • ACPI: show ACPI core informations
  • Refresh: well, refresh ACPI infos
  • Close: well ... close the program

You can find here a full screenshot with bbacpi in action in the bottom left corner.


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